Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Signs That Make You Wonder

I attended a Joyce Meyer conference in Columbus this past weekend and a very peculiar thing happened. It was peculiar to me because I'm forever believing that God is speaking and demonstrating his power in big and SMALL ways.

On Thursday evening, Joyce was preaching on the condition of our hearts. She then veered off briefly into a discussion on the supernatural. She claimed that although she has many friends that see angels and other sorts of supernatural phenomenon, her eyes have not been opened to these things. Just as she was finishing up those thoughts, a piece of confetti-type paper (about 1" x 3") came floating down from the top of Nationwide Arena and landed right on her podium. The audience burst into hysterical laughter. Now, if you know Joyce at all, she is hysterical! She grabs the piece of paper and says, "Oh my, a message from God!" And then she said it would take all night for her to read it because it was written in invisible ink. I guess you had to be there. It was priceless.

But, here's my point of the whole experience. Nationwide Arena is quite large, seating up to 20,000 people and what are the odds that one single piece of confetti would float down at that exact moment and land on the podium right as Joyce is discussing supernatural signs? I believe that these kinds of things are happening all around us if we would just take notice. I call them "kisses" from God. Oh, that he would kiss me with a thousand kisses!

Today's prayer: "God, I love your ways! They are not my ways. They are much higher. I want to see you in every sunrise; feel you in every breeze; hear you in every rustle of the leaf and note of the cricket; taste you in every drop of honey; and perceive you in every sign that makes me wonder. I am in love with you, my God, my King, my Rock, and my Redeemer."

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