Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Jazz is the starting-point"

The idea that, musically at least, jazz has a place at the centre of contemporary music, takes root far more easily on the continent than here in the UK.

Here's how a new club, BIRD, in Rotterdam - photographed above during the renovation works- which will officially open in three weeks, sets out the stall unashamedly for its programming:

"BIRD curates music, with jazz as its starting point, but day trips are also made into hip hop, soul, funk and new electronica"

Original: "BIRD is een muziekcurator met jazz als uitgangspunt, maar waar ook uitstapjes gemaakt worden naar hiphop, soul, funk en nieuwe elektronica."

How totally refreshing. Or, as they say in Dutch:  Van harte gefeliciteerd. Wij wensen jullie alle geluk in de wereld!


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