Sunday, September 11, 2011

JazzUK's 100th issue celebration

Celebration for JazzUK in the Jubilee Room of the House of Commons
Photo credit for all images: Roger THomas
Roger Thomas ( photogapher)  reports from last week's party to celebrate JazzUK's hundredth issue

The party was held in the stately Jubilee Room of the House of Commons. To mention a few of those in the room: thare was obviously the JazzUK/ Jazz Services crew: Chris Hodgkins, Joe Paice, Roger Thomas (my namesake),Yots, Bob Blizzard ; plus Peter King, Lol Coxhill, Julian Siegel,Jason Yarde, Bobby Wellins, former editor John Fordham, Brian Blain etc, etc.

A highlight for me was coming face to face with my alter-ego, the other Roger Thomas. There have been some confusing moments, but hey, as kindred spirits we know that there is room for two Roger Thomas's. You can see from the following picture how easy it is for confusion to arise. :)

Roger Thomas photographer (left) and Roger Thomas JazzUK editor (right)

Then came the cake. The candles–when lit–started to throw out a flame which looked ominous.

Yots, Roger Thomas, a cake, Chris Hodgkins

Were Yots and Roger about to set the place alight in revenge for the government funding cuts? We all know the last person that tried that stunt came to an ignominious end in the Tower. But with a huff and a puff, Roger and Chris blew the flames out at which point the evening's jollity continued with some fine, unobtrusive guitar work from Deirdre Cartwright.
Deirdre Cartwright, performing at the JazzUK
100th issue party 
Annual donors of £15 to Jazz Services, a Registered Charity, will receive six issues of Jazz UK in a year. Details of how this works HERE

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