Friday, September 9, 2011

Mirror Mirror

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in someone else's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" -- Luke 6:41

I recently read an article entitled, "Dear Me."  It was quite eye opening. It began by stating that although you many not realize it, the traits you dislike (and admire) in others are probably traits you also possess. The article went on to suggest that we often bewail the very traits in others that reflect our own tendencies or actions. Here are three examples from the article:

"My boss is incredibly secretive. It's so unhealthy--he's creating a culture of concealment. But don't tell anyone I said so."

"I can't believe my kid has been smoking pot--I'm so upset, I've had to double my anxiety medication."

"I wish I could get my sister to stop tearing herself down. I mean, she's not a total loser like me."

I think the author is on to something. Luke 6:41 tells us to get the plank out of our own eye before trying to remove sawdust from our brother's eye. Could it be that the sawdust in our brother's eye reminds us of the plank we struggle with? This article has caused me to become a little more reflective about the traits in others that seem to get under my skin.

Today's prayer: "Search ME, O God, and know my heart! Try ME and know my thoughts!" -- Psalm 139:23

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