Monday, October 3, 2011


"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." -- Philippians 2:5, NIV

We hear a lot about attitude and we get a lot of "attitude" from a variety of sources. The common definition of an attitude is: "the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it, often in an evaluative way."

But, I was also surprised to find this definition: "the orientation of a spacecraft relative to its direction of motion."

I think I like that definition. If our life is like a spacecraft, then our thoughts and attitudes are the fuel that propels us in whatever direction we choose. Through a series of messages on the Kingdom, our pastor has been challenging us to stop taking on the attitudes of this world, but to take on the attitude of Kingdom citizens. As citizens of the Kingdom we are to represent the attitudes of the King -- to RE-present all that He is.

Attitudes are contagious.  Are yours worth catching?  ~Dennis and Wendy Mannering

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