Saturday, November 19, 2011

homemade mashed potatoes

In past years, I have made mashed potatoes from scratch. They are easy enough, but this year, I've discovered Alexia brand mashed potatoes, which....well, are even easier. (I find them in the frozen section of most of our local supermarkets.) If you opt to make them from scratch, here's my go-to mashed potato recipe. I'm not holding back here when it comes to decadence, Thanksgiving happens but once a year:

Homemade Mashed Potatoes
(makes 8 servings, can be make up to 4 days in advance and stored in the fridge)

4 lbs Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and cut into about 3/4" cubes
about 1/2 cup whole milk (maybe a little more)
16 oz Rondele garlic and herb cheese (two 8 oz tubs)
salt & pepper, to taste
up to 1/2 stick of butter (optional, if you want to really go over the top)
roasted garlic, mashed (optional, to taste)

Cook the potatoes in a large pot, until tender when pierced with a fork (10-14 minutes). Drain well. Return potatoes to the same warm pot and add the milk and cheese. Mash until desired consistency. We keep ours a little "lumpy" because I like them to have some texture, especially if they're being served alongside sweet potatoes at the same feast. Add salt & pepper to taste.

These can be made up to 4 days in advance and stored in the fridge. When reheating, you might like to add a bit more milk to the dish, so they don't dry out. You can either reheat them in the oven, lightly covered with foil, or in the microwave.

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