Saturday, November 19, 2011

simple side: roasted brussel sprouts

Every Thanksgiving feast needs at least one green veggie. And with all of the decadence on the plate, I kind of think, the simpler the better.

Roasted Brussel Sprouts
(best if made right before dining)

brussel sprouts (halved if they're really big)
avocado or olive oil
salt & pepper
rimmed baking sheet

optional additions to the baking sheet:
lemon zest
garlic, minced
bacon, chopped
pancetta, chopped
walnuts, pecans or pine cuts (add last 3 minutes of baking)

My favorite way to prepare brussel sprouts is to simply drizzle them with a little olive (or avocado) oil, a sprinkling of good quality salt & pepper and roast them on a rimmed baking sheet at 425 degrees for 20-25 minutes, until they are al dente. They get this crispy, caramelized outer edge and moist center. Delicious. Serve warm, right from the oven. I simply serve them as is, but I have also listed some additions if you want to make them fancier/more decadent...

Because this is best right when they come out of the oven, on Thanksgiving, I would take the turkey out, and while it's resting (before carving) pop these babies in the oven right before you eat. This is the only thing I actually "make" on Thanksgiving day-- besides roasting the turkey, of course!

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