Monday, November 21, 2011


Sorry for being absent from the blog for a bit.  We won't let that happen again!

We've been busy as always here at The Bruery for the past few weeks trying to settle into our new barrel aging facility and plan for 2012.

For those who didn't already hear, we managed to sell out all 1,000 spots for our 2012 Reserve Society by the end of the first day it was up for general sale.  To help you understand how surprised and excited we were about this, last year we only sold 700 memberships and didn't sell out until the week between Christmas and the New Year.  We didn't expect to sell out all 1,000 memberships and certainly didn't expect the memberships to sell as fast as they did.

We need to of course send a huge THANK YOU to all of those who nabbed up those precious spots as quickly as they did.  It is a really special thing for us to have so many fanatical craft beer lovers as friends and customers.  It's cliché, but we'd be dead in the water without you and you can be sure that the money we raised through the RS sale will be put towards incredible new beers!

On another note....with Thanksgiving coming in just a couple of days and with Movember in full effect, we thought it would be fun to have people paste some mustaches to their favorite beers, or just the bottles they plan on drinking with the Thanksgiving feast to add a little more festive to the festivities.  Movember, for those who don't know, has become a national movement in which men don't shave their upper lip for the month of November in support of prostate cancer awareness.  Help the cause by putting some mustaches on your Thanksgiving table!

Here is just one mustache that you can use for your bottles, but simply google 'mustache' and you can find plenty more.

Once you've printed out and pasted the 'staches, don't forget to take some photos and post them up on our Facebook page at!  We'd love to see the creative mustache bottle displays that you come up with!

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