Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Seafood in Hobart

The next day me and Dixon caught up for some seafood in Hobart.

Everyone's been nagging me to eat the seafood in Tasmania. How the fresh oysters are so damn good it taste like candy.

So I did the inevitable.

fresh oysters

The verdict?
So yummy I can die!

juicy oyster

It's not as big as I hoped for, but it's definitely fresh and sweet enough for me to wallop half a dozen!

me and oysters

Dixon and I indulged in wine and luxurious fresh seafood of Tasman that day.
Over the glorious late afternoon very blue sky.

white wine pair with seafood


calamari close up

I had some Caesar salad as starter.

caesar salad

Look at how big that calamari ring was on my plate.

dixon and seafood

Cheers everyone.


To the seafood in Tasmania.

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