Tuesday, October 20, 2009

God Winks

Today, while walking across an open parking lot, I felt a nudge to change my direction and walk about 15 yards south of my current location. I usually obey these kinds of nudges because time after time God has used them to bless me, challenge me, show me something, or just wink at me. Today, He winked. About ten steps into my new direction I spotted a discarded McDonald's cup. It still contained the instant win stickers for the current McDonald's monopoly game. I reached down and pulled them off the cup. Yep! Instant winner (of a sandwich). By the way, I forgot to mention that I was on my way to McDonald's at the time. Anyway, second wink: I walked up to the counter to place an order and the lady behind the counter handed me an instant win ticket for a free small drink (as an employee she wasn't permitted to redeem it). I had planned to purchase a medium drink and told her so but she said no problem since I could get a free refill. Third wink: I finished the small drink and went for the refill. No small Coke's were ready so she gave me a medium instead, and there on the cup was two more tickets. And, that is how God winks .....

God loves to bless us! He says in Malachi 3:10, "Try it! Put Me to the test." He wants us to put Him to the test because He wants us blessed. He says, "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in My Temple." If you do, He will bless your socks off! "Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease. Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe..." (Malachi 3:11). He wants to show the world that living for Him is the way to live. "Then all the nations will call you blessed!" (Malachi 3:12 NLT).

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