Friday, October 23, 2009

My New Blackberry Skin

It's new.

It's pink.

And it's not the typical skin you think can be bought from a phone shop.

Check out my New BB Skin!!!

new bb skin 4

new bb skin 2

I got it skinned more than 10 days ago.
It's sooo pretty now I just fell in love with my new BB more!

At first I wanted to buy the skin for most BBs, kinda like a gel-stretchy like wrap-around the phone.

Because I didn't want to scratch my new phone and was so scared that any minute that I would drop it and break it into a million pieces (or at least land a scratch mark on it that it's irreversible).

But then someone suggested to me that I might as well really "skin" it rather than buying a cover for it.

So I did.

new bb skin 3

new bb skin 5

It only cost RM50.

Now I'm not afraid of scratching it anymore. ^^!!!

super *heart* my BB.

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