Monday, October 5, 2009

The Rudder

Job 22:28: "You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways."

It's a good idea to line up our mouth—the rudder of our life—with where we are going and then to keep it steady and on course.

If a ship heading in one direction suddenly turns in the opposite direction and keeps doing that over and over, it will go nowhere.

Our tongue, the rudder of our life, often has the power to cause us to go nowhere. If we speak about our blessings and the good things we are expecting to happen one minute, and then spend the next half hour talking about the negative things happening that are keeping us from getting there, we begin turning our lives in circles.

When we line up our spoken words with where we want to go for a little while and then focus on the bad weather when we meet a storm along the way, we lose track of where we were headed in the first place. We forget that we have the power (in Christ) to turn our lives around the storm or press on through it to the sunshine on the other side. We often forget that the "Son" has never stopped shining on our lives, no matter how dark the clouds in the sky are.

Even in the midst of what looks like catastrophe, let's keep speaking the blessing, keep the ship of our life on a steady course, and before you know it the storm clouds will clear and we will have broken through difficulty and left it far behind.

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