Friday, November 4, 2011

Congratulations Jacqui Dankworth and Martin Hathaway

Jacqui Dankworth and Lord Mayor of London
Michael Bear. Photo credit Clive Totman
Martin Hathaway and Lord Mayor of London
Michael Bear. Photo credit: Clive Totman

Last Friday Nov 5th in the Great Hall of Guildhall in the City of London, the school's Fellowships and Honorary Fellowships were given out.  From the world of jazz, two Guildhall alumni received Fellowships, vocalist Jacqui Dankworth and alto saxophonist/ GSMD Head of Jazz Studies Martin Hathaway.

Jacqui graduated from the Guildhall School with an AGSM in Professional Acting in 1984. (brother Alec is also a Guildhall alumnus).

Martin Hathaway attended the Guildhall School 1987 – 1991, obtaining a first-class honours degree and the LGSM diploma in jazz studies.

Sincere congrats to both.

Guildhall School

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