Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rory Simmons: "I'm giving this album away for free"

Rory Simmons, best known for Fringe Magnetic and as a member of Jamie Cullum's band, has been quietly working away on a new project, Glass Dancers. He describes it as string/electronica. Like many other jazzers he is happily exploring outside the genre and testing his other skills as a composer and producer. He also trying a developing new trend to introduce this music to listeners. He's giving it away, for free.

Rory told LondonJazz:
I'm giving this album away for free as a different way of developing interest in my music. I am certainly not trying to devalue recorded music, simply using an existing portal like muvolution.com to open up listeners to a new musical avenue of mine. I'm not going to make every album of mine from now on free!

Glass Dancers was inspired by my interest in the more cinematic apporach to electronic music and production along with a passion for 20th century string writing. I wanted to experiment with fusing these sounds, in a similar way to how Max De Wardener, Ben Frost and Nicolas Bernier have. But using the sonic approach of someone like Humcrush or David Torn.

I was writing some string music while away on tour and at the same time, listening a lot to the David Torn album Prezens and the Tim Berne album The Sevens. But also my interest in more cinematic sounds like Max Richter and Jon Hopkins got me thinking about a totally different sound-world. Plus I liked the idea of producing something where I don't actually really play any instrument. Its been a really exciting project to complete - with the post production element being so integral. I'm hoping to transfer much of this sonic approach to the next album I make. We hope to do this record live soon, but how we will do it I don't know! Watch this space.....

Download the album here.

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