Friday, December 16, 2011

Charlie Butler Mortlake under threat of demolition

The new owners of the Charlie Butler pub in Mortlake which hosts jam sessions want to demolish it and are seeking planning permission to develop the site for residential units. Details of the proposed scheme are on the Richmond Council website .

Robin Beynon has written:

You may have heard that there is a Planning Application in to the Council to demolish the Charlie Butler pub, where we have had a very successful open mike session every Monday for the last 15 months.

Young’s Brewery sold it this year, the new owner obviously only buying it as a development opportunity. Over the 18 months, the new landlord has turned it around to make it a very successful venue, particularly for aspiring and mature musicians…

The only case for getting the Application refused is on the “Change of Use” from a Public House (drinking establishment - Class A4) to Residential (Class C3).

I would be grateful if you would be prepared to support the opposition to the Planning Application to demolish the pub, on the grounds that it is an important community facility.

The important thing about Objectors is that they should either live or work in the Borough of Richmond upon Thames – so anyone outside the borough must qualify their objection by saying, for example, that they are musicians who use the facility – and don’t want it removed. (Otherwise the Council will ignore the objection.)

So, below is the link to the web site (ref: 11/3819/FUL) – objectors should click on the button which says “object”, and say their bit…;jsessionid=5C90EE42431B83A0DBA956DFF972A571action=CreateApplicationComment&applicationType=PLANNING&appNumber=11/3819/FUL

Hoping you can help!

Robin Beynon
robinbeynon [at]

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