Friday, December 16, 2011

RIP Bob Brookmeyer 1929-2011

Sad to report the death on Thursday in Grantham, New Hampshire of popular valve trombonist, composer and educator, the superbly mellifluous Bob Brookmeyer, a few days short of his eighty-second birthday .

His work with Gerry Mulligan, Jimmy Giuffre and Clark Terry from the 1950's onwards is an essential part of the history of the music, and he also leaves a massive legacy as influence and teacher of important composers of our time: Maria Schneider, John Hollenbeck, Darcy James Argue.

The clip above from the 1990's with Jim Hall is a BBC recording from Bath. His last visit to the UK was unforgettable: as artist-in-residence at the Cheltenham Jazz Festival in 2007. RIP.

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