Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"you're not real" + elf's antic day 8

"The elf is not real. He is plastic, and his clothes are sewed, and I just threw a bouncy ball right next to him he did not even blink or say 'ow'. I do not think he is real. I am going to do more stuff to him and see if he is real or not."
- our 4-year-old (who was home sick...and spent the better part of the day looking at the elf)

On this topic, I have put a link at the bottom of this post. Parents, that part is for your eyes only. Anyway, this (lengthy) note the elf left this afternoon did the trick. These are details that only an elf who is keeping track would know...

By dinnertime, we were all back in agreement that the elf is, indeed, real. (My 8-year-old needs no convincing.) I cannot locate the note the kids wrote before bed, guessing his age. But lest there be any linger doubt, we pulled out the big guns tonight, or rather, the elf located toys that had long been put away...

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