Friday, December 9, 2011


"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable." -- Romans 11:29

Saw this tweet yesterday from GetUpWithGod and it ties in perfectly with the holiday season: "Don't bother keeping the receipt: God's gifts & his call are irrevocable."

Seems like with every purchase made this season comes the resounding question, "Do you need a gift receipt?" And most times the answer is probably yes. According to a study done by Kohl's, gift recipients are most likely to return clothing (74 percent), followed by items for the home (11 percent), beauty or fragrance products (8 percent), electronics (5 percent) and jewelry or watches (2 percent)." That's a lot of gift returning going on! But I'm thrilled to know that God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. No gift receipt needed!

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