Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Love Languages

"Love will last forever ..."
1 Corinthians 13:8

Many years ago I purchased Gary Chapman's book, "The Five Love Languages" and since that day I've discussed the contents with my spouse, my children, and my closest friends. I've recommended this book to others when they've asked my opinions on navigating their own relationships. But what I love the most is that my spouse and my children get it -- they understand my love language(s).

Most people have a primary and secondary way in which they prefer to have love expressed to them. For example, mine are "acts of service" and "quality time." I've used this book to discover the love languages of my spouse, my children, and my close friends. Oftentimes we try to love others in our "own" love language and don't understand why we don't get the results we were hoping for. For example, if my love language is "acts of service" it means that I feel really loved when you take care of things for me (e.g. clean the house or wash the car). I don't get as jazzed about gifts (I've been told I'm too particular and that I buy what I want myself -- so very true!). 

When it comes to birthdays and Christmas my spouse and children set themselves to the task of taking care of some "chore" they've heard me say I want done. This Christmas is no different. I'm very blessed to be able to love and be loved by those who speak my language, so here's a shout out to my spouse and children for all the acts of service you've undertaken this year!

The five love languages are:
1. Words of Affirmation - (speak loving and true words to build the other person's self image and confidence)
2. Quality Time - (put down the remote and give one another some undivided attention)
3. Gifts - (be sure to remember birthdays and special days with a gift of appreciation)
4. Acts of Service - (take care of chores and that "to do" list with joy)
5. Physical Touch - (hold hands, give hugs, etc. to show your love)

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