Saturday, January 2, 2010

Feeling a little less controlled by technology...

Part of my effort to get back in balance in 2010 is to spend less time online. I got ready for this goal before the holidays, when I “unfriended” all of my “friends” on Facebook. Shocking, I know. It wasn’t that I didn’t value their friendship. There were a few really witty friends whose daily posts I greatly miss. But overall, the time of each day that I gained back (and all of the social drama I can once again be blissfully ignorant about) is really, really nice. I am back to living in my own happy little bubble.

My intention was to still keep the Full Plate page active on Facebook, since I know that many like to get the blog updates that way. But, since I have spent way too much time these past couple days trying to (unsuccessfully) post to Full Plate’s Facebook page, I have decided to hop off Facebook entirely. Since I couldn’t even post to the Wall to let the FB “fans” know this, poof, it’s just gone.

So, if you have friends who were relying on Facebook to get Full Plate updates, please let them know to bookmark this site, or you can subscribe to the posts and/or comments right here on the right hand column of the blog, which should send it to the reader of your choice (Google, Yahoo, etc.). Onward!

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