Thursday, January 14, 2010

Historic Snowfall in London

Am I lucky or unlucky?

I was there to witness it.

11 years ago when I visited London, it was snowing that Christmas, I recalled clearly.

Being there for the first time, I thought it was cool to be witnessing snow.

They told me that it's snowing for the first time in December in London in five years.

2009 I returned (for the 3rd time) to London, and it was snowing like crazy.

And I mean really crazy.

And all the airports were closed and we were stucked in Paris for a few days due to that even.

They reported that it's the biggest snowfall in the past 40 years.


The last time they had such a huge fall was back in 1962-ish (plus minus one year).

Really. Am I just pure lucky? Or that every single time I visit London sometime "great" has had to happen. -.-

But yes, the photo.

snowstorm in london

It's kinda hard to see the snow falling down from this pic, let me enlarge it for you.

big snowfall in london

It's pretty chunky isn't it (the snow "flakes?" la)? More like snow balling than falling.

There's my aunty getting all excited playing with snow in her backyard.

aunty playing snow

I think she's trying to build a snowman all by herself.

aunty making snowman

Looks like a pyramid to me.

And then, finally, the Christmas photos!

I finally got around to find my harddisk and plug it in and random picked a couple of photos.

christmas 2009
opening my pressie.

christmas 2009 2

Just two photos. (I did say a couple eh~ :p )

Anyway, I am back in Malaysia (yea yea I know, I should be back much later according to my Google calendar, but then mom's birthday around the corner so I came back early to celebrate it for her :D, and I brought her a pressie from London. Wooo)

It's hot here. (stay in air-cond room)

And I still can't sleep.


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