Friday, January 15, 2010


"First we build our habits; then our habits build us." -- Author Unknown

I came across this quote recently and it caused me to stop and ponder. Lately, I've been examining some of my habits and looking around at the world to compare. This is not good and I don't recommend it. God will call each of us to certain disciplines tailored to our own personal walk with Him and they are often tied to our destiny and purpose. I'm not talking about things like prayer or Bible reading. Those disciplines are for ALL Christ followers. I'm talking about the fuzzier issues (e.g. what television shows we watch, what we do with our spare time, whether or not we drink an alcoholic drink with dinner, how and where we shop and for what purpose, those kinds of everyday decisions). First thing I decided is that I should never compare my habits to my peers -- that fringes on judgment, which is sin. Second, I should not feel sorry for myself if God has asked me to abstain from certain things because He has probably called someone else to abstain from something I am free to participate in. And third, I must never waiver in those things that I know God is asking me to do. I found this list of three "principles in breaking sinful habits/acquiring new ones" and I think it applies here. I especially like number two. NEVER let an exception occur. Once you make the decision to not do something -- stick with it. Be consistent. The world is watching.

Principles in breaking sinful habits and acquiring new ones:
1. Habits are developed and reinforced by frequent repetition.
2. Never let an exception occur.
3. Diligence in all areas is required to ensure success in one area.

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