Sunday, January 31, 2010

Healthy Snack Idea: Funny Honey Bunny Spread

Yesterday’s cooking class on “Healthy Snacks” went so well. The kids (ranging in age from 7-18) were sweet, totally engaged and excited to try all of the recipes. Twenty little and medium hands shot up whenever I asked for a volunteer. I will admit that last week was exhausting, juggling caring for my own family, doing a little volunteer work, prepping for this lesson, teaching it, then coming back and hitting the ground running again back at home. Lucky for me, my parents are in town visiting and between their eager assistance with the kids, and a husband who totally engages with them too when he’s home on the weekends, I was able to relax a bit yesterday…after running three loads of cooking equipment through this dishwasher!

Here is a recipe that I made with the kids yesterday, that was a hit. I whipped up a batch for my own children today. It’s something I’m leaving in the fridge that my dad can spread on a whole wheat bagel, as a quick snack or easy lunch for the kids when I am away (drum roll please) at a spa with my mom this week. Oops, did I just say that? More on that later! Right now I need to fill the fridge with some child-friendly foods to make snack time and meal time simple and healthy while I am away!

Funny Honey Bunny Spread

1 tub of whipped cream cheese (preferably organic)
1-2 cup(s) shredded carrots
¼ - ½ cup raisins or cranberries
Honey (to taste)
Cinnamon (to taste)
Whole Wheat Bagels

In a bowl, mash the cream cheese, carrots, raisins (or cranberries), honey and cinnamon together. Spread on mini whole wheat bagels or on whole grain crackers as a sweet, but healthy, treat. Spread may be kept in the fridge for up to a week in an airtight container. Just give it a stir before spreading!

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