Thursday, January 14, 2010


"You are good at reading the weather signs in the sky, but you can't read the obvious signs of the times!" -- Matthew 16:3, NLT

If 20/20 is perfect vision, then 20/10 is keener vision. I believe that the church will come into some very keen vision in the year 2010. Good visual acuity is important for a variety of everyday tasks, but probably is most important for reading text and interpreting symbols. Spiritual vision is more important – to be able to see what God is doing and flow with Him; to interpret the signs of the times.

God is always speaking to us, all of us. We are often moving too fast or are too busy to perceive His presence in our lives. Learning how to hear God's voice is a matter of training our own spirit to be still. In Psalm 139:17-18 we find that God's thoughts toward us are innumerable. In fact, they outnumber the grains of sand. Think of the last time you were at the beach. Picture the vastness of the sand! Now, add up all the sand in the earth ... and God's thoughts toward you outnumber that! How many of those thoughts have you caught lately? I keep a large hour glass on my dresser to remind me that God's thoughts toward me outnumber sand. I have no idea how much sand is in that hour glass, but it's probably more grains than I can wrap my mind around. Now if I could only wrap my mind around all the sand in the entire earth. For now, I'll just focus on God's thoughts for me today. God's thoughts provide the key to great vision. Catch those thoughts and you will know what He's up to. Blessings!

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