Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bangkok Night Scene Wallpapers

Before I forget. Here are some really nice shots of Bangkok night scenes.

I took these before, but with a mediocre camera, so when I went back to Sirocco cafe (where these night shots were taken) mid this year which then I had a better camera with me,

sirocco bar 2

sirocco bar

I took the opportunities to re-capture Bangkok beauty behind lens.

So here they are: two shots of Bangkok night.

Bangkok Night.

Bangkok Night Scene wallpaper_wide
Click here to download wide angle size wallpaper.

Bangkok Night Scene wallpaper_1600x1200
Click here to download 1600x1200 size.

Bangkok Night Scene wallpaper_1280x800
Click here to download 1280x800 size.

Chao Praya River, Bangkok

Bangkok Night Scene 2 wallpaper_wide
Click here for wide angle size wallpaper.

Bangkok Night Scene 2 wallpaper_1600x1200
Click here for 1600x1200 size.

Bangkok Night Scene 2 wallpaper 1280x800
Click here for 1280x800 size.

These were taken with RAW file. It was quite a pain because then I have to download a new plug-in just to read the file. Manage to install it and churn out two wallpapers in the end.

Hope you like them. :)


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