Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One Size Fits All

Jesus put him off: "Unless you people are dazzled by a miracle, you refuse to believe." -- John 4:48, The Message

We are often tempted to classify miracles by size or by how much we are "dazzled" by them, but I say when it comes to miracles, one size fits all. I believe God is calling us to celebrate every miracle with the same gratitude, the same enthusiasm, the same praise, and the same testimony. Are not all miracles from God, the Maker of heaven and earth? From the straightened finger to the disappearance of cancer; from an ear opened that was clogged by infection to an ear delivered from deafness; from the instantaneous removal of pain to the person who was wheelchair bound leaping to their feet, our God is to be praised. We cannot refuse to believe because the miracle before us is not big enough to dazzle us.

Today's prayer: "Oh Lord I pray that we have not become so bound by our culture of sensationalism that we no longer see your hand in every miracle. Forgive us for wanting to be dazzled before we believe. I give you thanks for the opened ear, the healed back, the relief from pain, the heart restored, the seizures that have ceased, the blood pressure lowered, the diabetes under control, the blockage released, the multiple sclerosis vanished, the cancer eradicated, the hole in the heart closed up, the sense of smell returned, the salvation of the lost, the deliverance of the oppressed, the skin rash that disappeared, the migraine that suddenly stopped, and all the other miracles that I have had the privilege to witness!"

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