Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Foie Gras!

I've been keeping a tweet diary (sort of) thing going on recently. Updating the little snippets of my travel expedition here in Europe.

twitter update
Yep. I have landed in Lyon, France today. The land of fine fattening food!

Which was quite fun. Channel X has the new RM1/week unlimited twitter service for you now so it's cheaper and more fun to update twitter locally.

What's more fun is that you can assign five mobile numbers to a single twitter account and tweet excessively. Maybe I should do that to my Nicolekiss twitter account? ermm...

In case you're wondering where did that link of my tweetphoto went to, here's a snapshot for people who are too lazy to click.

twiiter foie gras

Oh yes. That's exactly what you think it is!!

F*ck yea!
I know I'm in land of heaven!!!

ps// in case you don't know the obvious. It's foie gras de canard~! (aka duck liver)

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