Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas from London!!

Christmas tree 1.

christmas tree 1

My fifth aunt's place. With her lovely daughter, my cousin, Elaine.


And son, James.


And a whole bunch of my distant cousins.

And me.

me at pre christmas dinner

Two days ago our Christmas celebration started. With a lovely homecook meal of pre-Christmas dinner with my aunties and uncle and cousins, etc. Sorry, Jo (my other cousin), didn't have your photo here.

pre christmas dinner
That's my cousin's fiance wife Sarah. Hi Sarah! You're up!

Dinner was superb, forgot to take photo of my fifth aunt since she's slaving away in the kitchen at that time. Sorry auntie.

Hehe, forgot to take photo of my fourth aunt and uncle during dinner either. Dinner was too good!

me and raspberry pavlova

She made raspberry pavlova for dessert, which was uber yummy.

me with pavlova

Today, back at my 4th aunt's place.

Christmas Tree 2.

christmas tree 2

under the tree, all our pressies await *rubs hands*

And we're just about to start a whole day of eating extravaganza!

Period of meal: 1pm -> 9pm.

christmas lunch

Round 2 begins.


And may you be fat this day.

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