Monday, December 7, 2009

Catching up and keeping things in perspective

I am playing a serious game of catch-up on posts today. I have my little one home from preschool with a sniffle and he’s relishing having our huge tub of Legos all to himself. So, I am homebound, and enjoying the forced downtime during what is usually a chaotic time of year.

As I went in to write up a couple of the most recent recipes on the Full Plate blog, I realized that I had also not glanced at my “dashboard” in a few weeks of happy holiday mayhem. Since I am technologically pretty illiterate, right now I need to actually login to my “dashboard” if I want to catch up on posts from other moms and interesting people out there. One of my all time favorite blogs to read is nienie. Not to sound trite, but whenever I get bogged down in the silliness of my life, her poignant (and often very funny) posts remind me of just how lucky and carefree my life is. Here are a couple of her recent posts for those who have a little downtime and might like to read them too: Nie York City and the very funny Christmas List post.

(The photo above, and the photo below are "then" and "now" photos of Stephanie (a.k.a. nienie) that I copied off her website.)

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