Sunday, December 13, 2009

Human Frailty

Jezebel, a hard and wicked queen, sent Elijah a life-threatening message. Elijah had been on the mountaintop with God and as often happens, reality of our human frailty sets in after a great victory. Great faith is not comparable to being strong. Elijah had been equipped by God to do this very service to Israel at this time. Elijah depended upon God fully for He was doing God’s will. Yet in a very human moment, he runs away. Here God allows Elijah to know his human frailty; to show that when he is bold and strong, that it comes from the Lord and the power of His might! God in His everlasting love and mercy takes care of the despairing prophet, as He does for us in our lowest moments, for He knows we are but dust. (For He knows how weak we are; He remembers we are only dust -- Psalm 103:14). God knows what He designs us for and though we do not know what services or what trials await us, God will take care that we are equipped and furnished with sufficient grace to do His will. (1 Kings 19:1-5)

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