Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Empty Nest

"He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." -- Mark 16:15

My husband and I are about to be "empty nesters" and as I begin to reflect on that term I can't help but think about the spiritual significance of all of this. Our children are launched and at the same time the ministry that I'm called to is being launched. Oxford House of Prayer (OHOP) has gone mobile -- no longer meeting in the same place from week to week. We're taking it to the streets and out into the world. Taking worship and prayer to the people; living out Mark 16:15 ...

As I ponder this new adventure I have to smile at God's design for his children. He never called for us to sit in the nest. What happens when baby birds get too big and crowded in the nest? They begin to peck at each other! And God in his wisdom does a little shoving himself and launches those baby birds out into the world to "go and preach the good news to all creation." 

Finding my wings .... ;)

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