Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Basket with Wine - Elegant Gift Baskets

As in every year, the streets are already starting to get decorated, the stores advertise special deals, people begin to plan the celebrations, at work and at school are already being made the draw-hidden from friends, we are already buying gifts and families are planning the party to stay together!

Some of these people deserve a more fine and delicate gift, but what to buy? Of course this will depend on the characteristics of the person and the type of relationship established between you and her, but give a few options that tend to please!

Baskets are trendy and are a delicious choice! If this is a woman, how about giving her a beautiful chocolate basket with wine? But be careful, to harmonize with sweet wine is no easy task! After all, the strong taste of cocoa, sugar and fat just "stealing" the taste of wine! The way is to minimize the characteristics of chocolate! So, no super-filled chocolates and sweets, opt for semisweet or "dark", are less cloying and have quite a high percentage of cocoa! As for wine, do not hesitate to choose a good fruity Pinot Noir or Malbec.

If the option is a wine and cheese gift basket, the possibilities are almost endless! And the claim is ratified by the maxim "to sell wine, serve cheese" has long been practiced in the French vineyards! To set the combination, if you choose full-bodied wines, also opts for strong cheese! Hard cheeses go well with a more tannin wine (have higher acidity of oak bark) and soft cheeses, wines with little tannin! If you choose a white wine, do so accompanied by soft cheeses (this would be a great choice, after all, white wine blends with the warmth of the season!).

If you find it difficult to assemble a basket and hitting the mixture of wine with food, is very fine and elegant basket with a good wine and glasses or accessories, allowing the combination to the person!

Have fun when picking and Happy Holidays!

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