Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to assemble a Christmas Basket

One of the best times of the year, and for some, the best, the end of the year holiday are already coming. It is time for celebrations, gatherings and reunions with those who we care most about, colleagues, friends or relatives, and renewal of strength and expectations for the year to come. And the traditional exchange of Christmas presents, given by a friend or being Santa Claus to someone, it's a fun part of this season, and it is important not to disappoint. The options are endless, from a small gift for Christmas or a more expensive present.

Spending more or less, according to what your pocketbook allows, a basket for Christmas is always a good alternative gift for friends, family, employees or customers. There are those that are already ready, that are bought in supermarkets or through large companies that specialize in this market, which each day grows more. But what about giving gifts to persons that were important to you during the year with a completely custom basket of Christmas? Check the walkthrough for the assembly of a gift that has everything to please the honoree, who will see, with very good eyes, how much you spent in that gift.

Knowing the person - For those looking for a gift to please, nothing better than to be able to find one that has everything to do with who will receive it. To do this, search for, even briefly, about what one likes, your personality and your interests and hobbies. This is only for one or for the whole family? If more than one, be sure to raise the quantity of items and/or variety of them.

Choose the items - Once you know exactly what the homage likes, it is much easier to decide what to buy. Make a basic list of products that the basket will have, not forgetting the traditional, you can not miss at all, wine or champagne, fruit and dried fruit such as walnuts, grapes and nuts, candies and products to increase Christmas supper and a delicious panettone. When making purchases, add items to the list if you have forgotten something, but not quite extrapolate the value initially proposed.

Innovate - Apart from traditional items of Christmas baskets, as mentioned above, give a personal and intimate touch to the gift, like a picture frame with a photo of the family, or items such as CD, DVD or a vase with flowers, according with the recipient of the basket. Another demonstration of how much you cared to please and wanted to escape the ordinary.

- The packaging options for Christmas basket may be different depending on the amount of products you purchased from the traditional cardboard box decorated, through wicker or wood baskets, even plastic bags and cold packs for travel and to the most luxurious, wooden chests and leather. You can find the ideal packing in supermarkets, department stores, markets or in shops or craft fairs.

Assembly - No matter the package you chose to put the chosen items. It will need something on the bottom to cushion and protect products. Most common are shredded paper (preferably color), straw and cellophane. After filling in the bottom of the pack, it's time to group the items of the basket. A good tip is to always put the biggest first, and thus fit the smaller items in the spaces that were vacant. It is important to remember that one side of the basket should not be heavier than the other because this is likely to be dismantled before they reach their final destination.

Finishing - After putting all the ingredients on the package, just pick a cute cellophane, preferably the favorite color of the person who will receive it, and a tape or a nylon string that matches the paper. Red and green are the colors used at the time, but gold is also a great option and is very beautiful. To give the final touch, make a card with words to express how the person was important to you in years.

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