Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Flowers in Vase - Types of flowers that beautify the environment

Flowers are bright and great to decorate any room. Whether at a party, meeting, home or office, enjoy an array of good taste is always as good as they are able to interact with more diverse tastes among people.

If you do not have much idea of what types of flowers to choose or how to take care of them, here's a short list on how to make your home beautiful and colorful:

- Bonsai: Chinese, is a kind of mini tree, symbol of luck and wisdom. Having a bonsai at home is a sign of prosperity. Care: should be located near a bright window for light to contribute to its natural growth and be watered so that the earth's surface don't becomes dry.

- Bromeliads: these plants, which existed since 1943, brings purification to the environment, and feelings of renewal and vitality due to the vibrant colors and shape of leaves.

- Cacti: believed to protect, the cacti purify the environment. Care: they require direct sunlight in large quantities and must be watered (depending on size) every fortnight.

- Hydrangeas: With over 100 different species, the hydrangeas are lovely as plants for decoration. Cautions: may be maintained in local internal or external, need direct sunlight in large quantity and the soil should always be damp but not wet.

- Lilies: from Europe, Asia and North America, lilies are the symbol of purity. Cautions: should receive indirect light in large quantities; be kept in indoor locations and soil always moist but not wet.

- Orchids: recommended for apartments, these flowers are simple and very beautiful. Cautions: leave them in the light for a few hours/days indoors or outdoors and keep the soil moderately moist.

- Tulips: their meaning and the pansy bring charm and elegance to the environment. Care: To increase the durability of your vase of tulips keep it in a cool place, but that does not have direct sunlight and water it sparingly.

- Violet: originating from Tanzania, violets are super easy to care for plants. Care: Keep the vase in a cool place with indirect light in large quantities, and place a dish underneath the pot and water it weekly.

Having flowers at home, even if only in a corner, brings joy, harmony and lots of color for the family. Moreover, they have great therapeutic potential, because they leave the environment more peaceful. And everything will work out is important to keep the place neat and clean, so you'll have a very comfortable environment.

If you already have a house fill with flowers pass the tips to your friends or send arrangements for them. Look for florists delivery people and have such good energy to everyone.

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