Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Call for volunteers to lay 50 miles of pennies - and hear music

Photo: St Peter's Leckhampton, Glos.
Sofia Wilde writes:

At Sound Generation, we want to use music as a means of supporting worthwhile causes and organisations.

I was thrilled therefore when the MicroLoan Foundation approached me to help organise the live music at their world record attempt to lay the longest lines of pennies (50 miles long to be exact!). We are genuinely excited and proud to be working with the Microloan Foundation as official ambassadors for this event.

The charity gives underprivileged women in Africa, small business loans which are then paid back and passed on to another woman. It gives women the opportunity to build something of their own making and in turn help their community. As a business owner I know how motivating it is to have your own company but how much more motivating it is to see others benefiting from what you do. MicroLoan Foundation gives women who don’t have the opportunities that we take for granted, a real chance to succeed.

We have been overwhelmed by the support of several musicians we work with who have volunteered to perform at this event (and help me lay those 4 million pennies!), including Fini Bearman, Ayanna Witter-Johnson, Irene Serra, Helen Burnett, Josephine Arthur, Chapter Two, Sheyi Martins and AMA LIVE!

We’ve also seen several musicians tweeting about the event, and helping us raise awareness. We still need more help though in the final countdown!

We need volunteers to join our team of penny layers, so if you can donate an hour or two of your time please e-mail me: sofia (at)soundgeneration dot co dot uk to register. Or failing that please tweet the following message:

PLEASE RT! @microloan need volunteers on Sat 9th & Sun 10th July to break a Guinness World Record, enter now: bit.ly/lJGaMM

or share a link on Facebook to our event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=212958558748147

It takes place on Saturday July 9th & Sunday July 10th at Chiswick Community School and every penny raised will be donated to the MicroLoan Foundation.

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