Sunday, July 31, 2011

Guess the venue!

London Community Gospel Choir
Photo credit: Roger Thomas
This is the London Community Gospel Choir. But what I (and photographer Roger Thomas) found surprising was the venue. Definitely not where you'd expect....but where?

Roger writes: "The joint was jumping. It was as if they's lit a small fire under every seat in the house."  Anyone? There's another picture if you "Read more."

London Community Gospel Choir with choirs 2020 and Urban Voices
Photo Credit: Roger Thomas


Where there are a three VERY interesting lunchtime gigs coming up this month:

Tuesday August 9th. Vocalist Kai Hoffman. Who also writes for us.

Thursday August 11th has two top players, both of whom are completely there at the top level on at least two instruments. Ivo Neame and Jim Hart. Neame is a pianist and saxophonist. Hart plays vibraphone and drums. Fascinating

Thursday August 25th . Peter King Quartet. The legendary saxophonist has to be heard. Often.

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