Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Two Coats

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." -- Genesis 9:16

I recently undertook a painting project -- transforming a white wall into rum raisin. Applying the first coat of paint is always exciting and a task I really don't mind, but it's the second coat that gets me. It feels like I'm duplicating my effort and I am. When it comes to decorating or painting I want an original every time, so you can see why that second coat is a little monotonous. 

But it was during that painting project, and only after I got to the second coat, that I had a "God moment." I began to think about the creativeness of God and how everything He created was an original -- no duplicates. Was my restlessness in that second coat somehow a reflection of the God who created me and lives inside? And what about this sudden desire to transform white walls into all the colors of the rainbow? Hadn't I recently been inspired by "raspberry fizz" in the master bath, "the good life" in the master bedroom, and "heavenly peace" on the fireplace wall? And what about some of those paint color names? Call it OCD but once I find a color I like, the name has got to be fun and inspiring too!

God created endless variety in people and in nature -- and He even put a rainbow in the sky as a covenant to all living creatures of EVERY kind on the earth. Every time I paint the second coat and every time I look at the "rainbow" that is invading my home, I will turn my thoughts to God and remember His covenant to me. Thanks God for the moment!

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