Friday, July 1, 2011

A profile of Kenny Wheeler, briefly back in Canada

A super profile of Kenny Wheeler out this morning from Canadian journalist and blogger Peter Hum, raising the curtain for Wheeler's appearance tomorrow night in Ottawa. The piece shows the affection in which he is held among Canadian musicians,  andt he extent of his influence. Wheeler explains his reasons for leaving Canada in the 50's, why he settled in the UK, and describes his composing method... in typically modest terms. There is also mention of a forthcoming big band album.....

This perspective from abroad helps to bring things into context: one of the most eminent composers in the world lives here, among us, in Leytonstone, close to the 2012 Olympic stadium. His compositions - which continue apace in his 82nd year - will prove as durable as eighty million quid's worth of Olympic cultural activity. Discuss.

UPDATE: Here's a review of the concert

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