Friday, July 1, 2011

Resting Place

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him." -- Psalm 62:5

While on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico last week, we came upon this sight -- a flock of pelicans stopping to rest. I began to wonder if their wings were tired from flapping. Were they weary from the journey? Sometimes we get weary -- the journey can be long, hard, and fueled by stormy seas. God promises a resting place for all who are weary. But also the Holy Spirit is searching for a resting place in us. The Lord led Moses into the wilderness. He provided a cloud by day and a fire by night (Exodus 13:21-22). The cloud was a symbol of divine guidance -- the cloud of God's presence. All of this reminded me of a song by JoAnn McFatter called Fire by Night. Most of the song is a repeating of these 3 lines:

Cloud by day
Fire by night
I need a resting place

Today's prayer: "God, I need a resting place. And in turn, make me a resting place. Amen."

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