Tuesday, July 14, 2009


What fun to come home from dinner with an old friend and see that Full Plate has had 500 visitors. This gives me a pat on the back. When I started this blog (originally "The Mom-a-licious Blog" which had over 5,800 hits), the goal was to have a place where I could post my favorites easy recipes (often ones friends requested), as well as things that I thought fellow mom-friends might be interested in…be it birthday party ideas, Stroller Strides or other mom-child outings, etc. I would never call myself an expert in the arena of being “mom-a-licious”, or a chef extraordinaire. But, I do congratulate myself for being the mom of two little boys who are nice (usually), who have varied interests, decent palates, and who seem genuinely happy. Really, what more could a mom hope for? So, as I continue to nourish these two little people, I will continue to post. And if there are specific meal ideas you'd like, just holler.

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