Monday, July 27, 2009

I cannot make this stuff up...

I’ve been staying up really late to complete the application for The Next Food Network Star in anticipation of Friday’s cattle call. Like every mom I know, I do not have a plethora of downtime during my day, so something like this is tackled after everyone’s fed and the kids are asleep. Well, today I used up my couple minutes of afternoon “me” time (when the “Rockin’ Real Wheels - Firetruck” DVD was playing) to jot down edits friends had passed along. I left the application sitting on the kitchen table and went to put our little one down for a nap. As folks on the Full Plate Facebook Page know, my older son spent his quiet time making a "kite" from scraps of paper. What paper you ask? Actually, my NFNS application. Yep, colored upon, cut into small pieces then taped together along with straws & ribbon. And this, my friends, is why the Full Plate name is so perfect.

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