Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Can I make a meal with what we've got around here?

Today I am under "house arrest"—again—with two sick little boys, one of whom is potty training. In addition to blowing any chance I had of a “break” this week, I haven’t found it very appealing to venture into a supermarket with these two. So, we’ve been making do with what we’ve got in the fruit bowl, the pantry and fridge. Meals have been a sort of creative game. Last night my Wednesday Supper Exchange saved the day, since it was switched to Tuesday this week and my friend Liz made a delicious meal. The whole family enjoyed a grilled chicken with honeydew salsa that was yummy. Today, it’s looking a little bleaker. Thankfully, I think I have enough ingredients on hand to whip up a vegetable curry that'll get us through one more day? (Photo of last night's dinner courtesy of, since we ate it before snapping a pic.)

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