Saturday, July 11, 2009

On The Road Again with a 2-year-old, Day 5 (Little Bo Peep Has Found The Sheep)

The three of us rode home from the last day of Farm Camp both exhausted and invigorated. What a week-- for all of us. The camp was phenomenal...and (achem) I gave myself a pat on the back for staying sane while occupying my 2-year-old from 9:00am-3:30pm in an area I didn’t know for five days in a row. As Dan Zanes rocked us on through traffic, my car smelled of lavender, garlic, and dirty little boys.

We stuck around the farm the last day, visiting all of the animals and enjoying Blue Hill Cafe's treats. The sheep were loud and fun to watch as they alternated between lolling in the shade and moving en masse around the field the campers had moved them into earlier in the afternoon. When asked about his favorite activity for the week, "moving sheep" was my older son's hands down winner.

Also within easy walking distance for little feet, there's a nice loop around Swan Lake in Rockefeller State Park Preserve. Ask for a trail map at Stone Barn's info desk, and enter the Preserve down by the greenhouse. The walk is nice and shady, and for added excitement you'll probably see some turtles and a horse or two along the trails. The loop can easily be completed by a little one in an hour.

The week long journey out there was worth it, for sure. Before he fell asleep, my older son announced that next year he hopes he can "go to Farm Camp for two weeks!"

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