Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Adventures with a 2-year-old, Day 3 (Hanging Around the Farm)

I was craving one of Stone Barns' Blue Hill Cafe (truly amazing) lattes made with milk fresh from the cows once we made it to Farm Camp. No such luck, as they'd given the cooking staff the day off after working on the Fourth of July. I packed light today, planning on enjoying our lunch from their too. Hmm, slight glitch in our plans of staying around the farm, taking a hike, and visiting the animals. A little detour into the town of Pleasantville, and we found a cute patisserie and gourmet take-out place. Latte and picnic dilemna solved, we headed back to the farm.

You can easily spend a whole day here as a family outing. In addition to Stone Barn's gorgeous grounds, the animals grazing in the fields, the Cafe (when open), a gift shop with thoughtfully chosen toys, books and the like, there are also two access point for Rockefeller State Park. Talk about a well maintained trail system. The carriage paths are wide and easy to navigate with a jogging stroller. A perfect adventure if you have a little one in tow!

I managed to twist the same ankle I'd (finally) painstakenly healed, so our hike was shorter than planned. But, I am feverishly icing and elevating it in the hopes that we can continue to explore the trail system tomorrow...and at last enjoy Blue Hill Cafe's offerings.

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