Friday, July 24, 2009

Hung By Your Tongue

A valuable lesson: Only speak the things you want people to KNOW.

In your spiritual conflict with the enemy, don’t tell him everything. Don’t tell him where you are hurting. This is like a spy seeking top secret information of the enemy country in order to defeat them. So, do not tell the devil what is going on. He will not know unless you tell him. Satan cannot read your mind, unless you deal in ESP or telepathy. We see this in scripture as the devil was trying to kill Jesus as a young boy. Herod sent the three wise men to find Jesus, but the angel told them to go to their own country. Herod then began to kill all the boy babies under two years of age and the angel told Joseph to take Jesus into Egypt. Satan did not know that Jesus was in Egypt, or else he would have sought Him out there to kill Him. Satan could not find Jesus to kill him.

The Bible says that we are hid in Christ and the devil cannot find us, so he goes about like a roaring lion trying to get us to come out (say something) so he can tell where we are. But if you do not tell Satan what is going on, he will not know. Tell him what you want him to know, such as, “Jesus is Lord,” “I’ve got power,” “I’m an overcomer,” “I’m more than a conqueror,” “I’m healed, saved, and delivered out of darkness.”

We should not suspect that Satan knows everything, because he does not. God’s ways are spiritually discerned and Satan does not receive the things of God. If he could, he would have understood the prophecy of Elizabeth to Mary and the prophecy of Simeon and Anna in the temple over the baby Jesus in Luke 2:25-38. But he did not understand or perceive God’s plan of the Savior. He knew that God was doing something but couldn’t put his finger on it.

Do not fear Satan knowing your thoughts or plans, just tell him what he needs to know. You are in control with the correct use of your tongue. DO NOT BE HUNG BY YOUR TONGUE!

Excerpt by Francis P. Martin

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