Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beyond Words

Late last evening, I sat on my bed with my Bible to the right and a book I've been reading to the left. I could not muster the strength to open either. I was feeling weary and was not even sure I could find the strength to pray. I sat there in silence for quite some time. My eyes kept drifting to the book I'd been reading, Supernatural Communication, by Rachel Hickson. Finally, I knew I was supposed to pick it up. It was beckoning to me with a force that had to be from God.

And, here's what happened, I opened to the last place I had been, held there for me by my bookmark, and here's what I read:

"Have you ever been really weary, so tired that you feel you can't even find the strength to pray? In those time you can come and just lie in God's presence, saying, 'Lord, I'm beyond words. I haven't got any words to offer. But everything in me is calling out to You. I need You."

That's all it took. God had already made provision for my heart's cry and had orchestrated my life in such a way that I would read that page the EXACT moment I needed it!

Beyond Words! That's God . . .

Today's prayer: "God, thank you that last night I found you in the silence. Today, I thank you with words of gratitude and shouts of joy to my King!"

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