Thursday, July 30, 2009

Emotion First Aid Kit

Short Note: Want a free SLR camera? Here's an online contest by Canon to win a brand new EOS 500D. Watch the commercial here aired over Discovery Channel in Singapore. It's actually kinda romantic.

Over Valentines this year, I spent a near three months preparing a present for someone that's special to me.

I gave him his very own Emotion First Aid Kit.

emotion first aid words

Everything about the gift was handmade, the glass bottles were specially bought for this.

emotion first aid front view

I divided the glasses into six different emotions: Happy, Sad, Angry, Love, Random and Emergency.

happy bottle

I wrapped the screw top of the bottles and stuck letter stickers on them to spell out the emotion. Each emotion glass contains a bundle of mini scrolls, with its own miniature props to fit the theme.

Like handmade stars for Happy bottle.

notes inside bottle

Dried up rose buds for Love.

rose buds

Flowers for Sadness, Red Fiery Beans for Anger, and Mini Balloons for Randomness.

mini balloons for randomness

Basically, what you do is every morning when you wake up, go to your Emotion First Aid and choose a bottle that fits your feeling that morning. Open it and pick out a scroll. Roll it out and read its content.

Mini Scroll

It will make you instantly feel better.

Sometimes you get words of encouragement to lift you up from your low spirit, or something to make your laugh when you're joyful, or even words that would make you go all fuzzy inside.

There are even scrolls that contain a certain instruction of the things you must do in order to get rid of a certain negative emotion.

emotion first aid back view

This is where I spent most of my time during the gift preparation, writing each and every piece with pure sincerity. Hoping that every single day, my feeling may be passed onto that person.

I won't tell you what was written inside, because that's my secret. ;)

Well, maybe just one.

Emotion First Aid scroll content

The last bottle was the Emergency bottle.

emotion first aid close up

A bottle I wish it would never be opened for I never wish that person I care to be in a desperate or painful state.

It's a very pretty bottle with purple translucent ribbons inside.

emergency bottle

And there's only one scroll.

Well, except for me, no one will ever know what's written inside. :p

But there you do, an idea for a very special gift for that very special someone.

emotion first aid

Your very own Emotion First Aid Kit.

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